Donnerstag, 19. September 2013


Seit 3 Tagen mein absolutes Lieblingsstück, lange nicht mehr etwas so entzückendes gehört.

Und ich kann es schon fast auswendig:

Becca Stevens: Weightless

There's nothing like witnessing
the moment that life let's loose
and falls to the ground.
weak autumn winds tip
and easy like a wish upon weightless
dandelion seeds.
Each life beaming at its brightest now
falling the road rises up
to greet and is painted for the day
sacred to witness when life lets loose
and be grateful for this gift.

There's nothing like witnessing
the moment that life let's loose
and falls to the ground.
weak autumn winds tip
and easy like a wish upon weightless
dandelion seeds.
Each life beaming at its brightest now
falling the road rises up
to greet and is painted for the day
sacred to witness when life...

There's nothing like witnessing
the moment that life let's loose
and falls to the ground.
Weak autumn winds tip
and easy like a wish upon weightless
dandelion seeds.
Each life beaming at its brightest now
falling the road rises up
to greet and is painted for the day
sacred to witness when life...

I know this is hard but holding on
you'll only make it harder
so let go
embrace what you are.
Hoarding the hearts only to the truth
of what they are sacred
expect nothing more.

Cause there's only now.
Change all your thoughts from loneliness to solitude.
Sacred the space that you found.
Keep holding your ground even through the shadows on the ground
quiet and don't make a sound.

Cause there's nothing like witnessing
the moment that life let's loose
and falls to the ground.
weak autumn winds tip
and easy like a wish upon weightless
dandelion seeds.
Each life beaming at its brightest now
falling the road rises up
to greet and is painted for the day
sacred to witness when life
let loose and be greatful for this gift.

829 x aufgerufen und abgelegt unter Musik


Du bist nicht angemeldet.

Bei mir

Schade, ich habe hier...
Schade, ich habe hier früher oft gelesen und bin gerade...
Geitelde - 2024/12/05 18:19
Ah super, da bin ich...
Ah super, da bin ich beruhigt, vielen Dank :-)!
Rössle - 2018/05/31 19:35
Das kann ich beantworten,...
Das kann ich beantworten, denn ich habe beide Blogs...
NeonWilderness - 2018/05/31 19:32
Ich hoffe du hast mitbekommen,...
Ich hoffe du hast mitbekommen, daß twoday heute seine...
Rössle - 2018/05/31 19:28
Liebe Grüße... :-)
Liebe Grüße... :-)
Thiara - 2016/04/07 09:31
Vielen lieben Dank für...
Vielen lieben Dank für Ihre Worte!
momoseven - 2016/02/07 08:38
Liebe Momoseven, ich...
Liebe Momoseven, ich höre aus Ihren Worten die tiefsitzende...
Heinrich.Sch - 2016/02/01 16:50
Herzlichen Dank für Deine...
Herzlichen Dank für Deine Worte. Ja, so ist es, alles...
momoseven - 2016/01/19 23:09
Hey, schön, dass du mal...
Hey, schön, dass du mal wieder ein paar Zeilen zum...
Hoffende - 2016/01/14 02:27
Dankeschön, ebenso :-)
Dankeschön, ebenso :-)
momoseven - 2016/01/07 22:45

Die Mondin





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